005 – Virgins and Volcanos – Purity Culture Part 1
Filed Under: Religion | Sex

CAUTION!   In this episode we talk very vulnerably, honestly and explicitly about sex and our personal experiences.   We feel this is not appropriate for younger kids.  Regarding teenagers…  for those who may have already been influenced by or are struggling with the teachings of “purity culture” and/or fundamentalist principles, our unvarnished real-life experiences may be useful and instructive.   Please use discretion.

In this Part 1 we discuss:
1) The  “Promise”- remaining a virgin until marriage will give you the healthiest, happiest sex life possible (pssssst – nope!)
2) The “Predicament” – what the heck is a good Christian supposed to do with all those sexual feelings and the decision whether / when to marry, and
3) “Purity Culture” – the packaging and selling of this definitely-NOT-innocuous belief system to unsuspecting young people (and their parents)


  • Sharon wondered about the publication date of the book “The Joy of Sex”…  turns out it was in 1972, so she was most likely 11 or 12 years old when she first perused those pages.

  • Tracey was right – those home movies in the ’70s WERE “Super 8” mm… which means she is also right that Sharon IS F%@*ing OLD!

Read Transcript Here

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Episode 005 – Bonus Quickie Oooooo

May 17, 2023

S: Howdy howdy folks,I am Sharon.

T: And I am Tracey, and this is our podcast.

S: Feet of Clay, Confessions of the Cult Sisters. Okay, did I kind of surprize you by saying howdy instead of hey?

T: Not at all because once upon a time, we were together in Texas, so I kind of expect it.

S: Okay! Alright folks, so we just have to share this super quickie with you. I stumbled across this profound, moving, musical message a few days ago, and totally, totally dovetails with part one of Virgins and Volcanoes. So we just really wanted to share it with you.

T: Yes, and a big shout out to the brilliant folks at MEGA the podcast. We have put the link into our show notes but you have to click into it because it’s also a video. Oh, it’s so good.

S: It’s good, good!

T: You know Sharon, I actually feel very personally connected to this song, because it was me who got pulled aside and told that my pants were too tight, and I was making some of the brothers feel like THAT.

S: Oooh, you made them feel like that!

T: Mmmhm!

S: Alright folks, we’re going to shut up now. Enjoy a few more minutes of this little bonus, and yeah!

T: Yeah.

I just like…I just opened my mind to the Holy Spirit and this is what came through.


cha-yeah, uh huh, set the scene, follow me now…

Bass is bumping, and the party is jumping, making my way through the crowd at a social function.

Then I see you girl, let me tell you something

You’re not looking like a snack, you’re looking like a whole luncheon

I’m supposed to be walking the line, but right now at this moment, you were looking so fine

And all I could think about is making you mine.

And now my designs are quite far from divine.

I look down at my promise ring, feeling ashamed

Cause deep down in my body I am feeling the pain.

You can’t hate the player, you can’t hate the game

Cause in this situation there’s just one thing to blame

Ooh you made me feel like that – OH

Ooh you made me feel like that GUURRL

Ooh you made me feel like that – OH

If I get horny, well that’s your fault.

Ooh you made me feel like that – GURL

Ooh you made me feel like that – OH

Ooh you made me feel like that

My arousal is your responsibility

I should drop to my knees, contemplate divinity

Focus on the aspects of the Holy Trinity

Cause ever since the moment that you came in my vicinity

I have been rethinking my commitment to virginity.

Ooh, wait till marriage, that’s how it’s supposed to be

But you’re seducing me, and haven’t even noticed me

And then your eyes slowly move in my direction

I notice you noticing my underwhelming erection

Security grabs me, says I’m acting indecently

Says I’m quote un-quote staring at you creepily

This is entrapment, the culprit is you

Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.

Ooh you made me feel like that – OH

Ooh you made me feel like that GUURRL

Ooh you made me feel like that – DANG

I am not responsible for my C+ boner

Ooh you made me feel like that – HUH

Ooh you made me feel like that – GUURRL

Ooh you made me feel like that – OH

If I get horny, well that’s your fault.

We have free will, and this is God’s wisdom

Cause otherwise the universe would be a closed system.

Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent

Every single thing he sees, knows and controls it

Then how could anything that we do be called sinning

If God knew exactly what would happen from the beginning

And why go to hell to be eternally tormented

If an all-loving God could have prevented

But if he manifested and pressed us to show it

Then we wouldn’t be free agents, we’d just be puppets, right?

So yeah, that’s all his voice. We always have a free choice.

And without that, everything falls apart

We can choose to accept him or choose to depart

Everything in the world comes from God and his son

And all the sins I commit are my fault – except one.

Ooh you made me feel like that

Ooh you made me feel like that GUURRL

Ooh you made me feel like that

I am full of lust and that’s on you

Ooh you made me feel like that – OH

Ooh you made me feel like that GUURRL

Ooh you made me feel like that

This is a completely healthy approach to sexuality.

Oooh. Word is bond.


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