001-B, Tracey’s Interview on IWATF: “Was Keith Green a Cult Leader?”
Filed Under: Religion
Topics: IWATF | Keith Green

This is a REPEAT of Tracey’s guest appearance with hosts Brian McDowell and Troy Waller on their podcast I Was a Teenage Fundamentalist,  Episode #072: “Was Keith Green a Cult Leader?” (Keith Green Part 1)

They’ve  generously allowed us to share this interview here as a convenience to our listeners.  Enjoy!

Don’t miss Tracey’s  brief discussion with Sharon, talking about the unexpected feelings she faced after doing this interview on IWATF.   Our episode #1 here:


SHOW NOTES FROM IWATF #072:“Keith Green was one of CCM’s most revered and loved music superstars of the 1970s and 80s. Spoiler alert! Tracey Phalen thinks he was a cult leader! She was a member of Keith and Melody Green’s Last Days Ministries in the 1980s. She joined as a teenage fundamentalist and left after five years of living and serving on the Texas ranch. In this episode, Tracey shares her story and helps Brian and Troy deconstruct Keith Green and Last Days Ministries.”

Transcript of the episode is here.


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